Herzlich Willkommen an alle Schachspieler*innen und Schachinteressierte! Auf den Seiten des Schachverein Waltrop 1922 e.V. informieren wir Euch über den Verein, Trainingszeiten, aktuelle Turniere und den laufenden Spielbetrieb. Viel Spaß wünscht Euch SV Waltrop 1922 e.V.

Bild 2 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed
Geschrieben von Chris am 13. Januar 2022

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.

Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi.

Geschrieben von Chris am 10. Februar 2022

absichtlich viel Platz horizontal


Geschrieben von Chris am 08. Februar 2022

Hier wird die Tabelle getestet

1. Neujahrsblitzturnier 2022
Rang Teilnehmer n G R V Punkte SoBerg
1 Marius Eckert 9 8 0 1 8,0 31,00
2 Sebastian Schmidt 9 7 0 2 7,0 25,00
3 Jörn Gasper 9 7 0 2 7,0 23,00
4 Jörg Hilbig 9 6 0 3 6,0 22,00
5 Pius Kappelhoff 9 5 0 4 5,0 16,00
6 Alica Foltin 9 3 0 6 3,0 10,00
7 Lennart Koch 9 3 0 6 3,0 10,00
8 Wilfried Krolik 9 3 0 6 3,0 6,00
9 Theodor Solga 9 2 0 7 2,0 4,00
10 Georg Goebel 9 1 0 8 1,0 3,00

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed
Geschrieben von Chris am 13. Januar 2022

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur


Hinter den Wortbergen
Geschrieben von Jens Brautmeier am 18. November 2021

Weit hinten, hinter den Wortbergen, fern der Länder Vokalien und Konsonantien leben die Blindtexte.


Histroie - Siegerlisten baerbeitet
Geschrieben von Chris am 17. November 2021

Die Siegerlisten wurden bearbeitet (Kurztext)ddd

2 Kommentare

Blitzturnier auf Lichess
Geschrieben von Wilfried Krolik am 11. Februar 2021

Das nächste Samstagsturnier steht an.

1 Kommentar

Blitzturnier auf Lichess
Geschrieben von Wilfried Krolik am 09. Februar 2021

Am Donnerstag findet das nächste Turnier statt.


Kein Vereinsbetrieb im Februar
Geschrieben von Wilfried Krolik am 06. Februar 2021

Der Vereinsbetrieb ruht auch im Februar


Blitzturnier auf Lichess
Geschrieben von Wilfried Krolik am 05. Februar 2021

Am Samstag findet das nächste Blitzturnier statt.


Blitzturnier auf Lichess
Geschrieben von Wilfried Krolik am 29. Januar 2021

Das nächste Turnier ist am Samstag den,30.01.


Vereinsabend am Donnerstag
Geschrieben von Wilfried Krolik am 24. Januar 2021

Blitzturnier am Donnerstag auf Lichess


Blitzturnier auf Lichess
Geschrieben von Wilfried Krolik am 21. Januar 2021

Am Samstag geht es weiter mit einem Blitzturnier


Simultanturnier mit Andreas
Geschrieben von Wilfried Krolik am 13. Januar 2021

Am kommenden Donnerstag gibt es wieder ein Simultanturnier

1 Kommentar

Blitzturnier auf Lichess
Geschrieben von Wilfried Krolik am 11. Januar 2021

Das nächste Turnier findet am Mittwoch statt.


Kein Vereinsbetrieb im Januar
Geschrieben von Wilfried Krolik am 01. Januar 2021

Der L- Hof bleibt im Januar geschlossen.


Simultanturnier mit Marius
Geschrieben von Wilfried Krolik am 01. Januar 2021

Marius spielt gegen euch Simultan


Silvestersimultanturnier mit Andreas
Geschrieben von Wilfried Krolik am 31. Dezember 2020

Heute um 15 Uhr könnt ihr Andreas wieder herausfordern.


Kommt gut ins neue Jahr!
Geschrieben von Andreas Winterberg am 30. Dezember 2020

Im Namen des Vorstandes wünsche ich allen Vereinsmitgliedern und Schachfreunden ein gutes neues Jahr 2021.

Frohe Weihnachten!
Geschrieben von Andreas Winterberg am 24. Dezember 2020

Wir wünschen allen Vereinsmitgliedern und ihren Familien frohe und erholsame Weihnachtstage! Bleibt gesund und optimistisch!

Archiv 2014Archiv 2015Archiv 2016Archiv 2017Archiv 2018Archiv 2019Archiv 2020Archiv 2021Archiv 2022Archiv 2023Archiv 2024Archiv 2025

Januar 2025

Mo Di Mi Do Fr Sa So
30 31 1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 31 1 2

Aktuelle Termine


keine aktuellen Spieltage vorhanden

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© Copyright 2013-2025 Marco Harde

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0.001830 s
0.001830 s
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0.001825 s
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0.001821 s
0.001821 s
0.001821 s
16.1328 kB
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0.001829 s
0.001829 s
0.001829 s
0.001829 s
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
SELECT `appointments`.`id` AS `id`, `appointments`.`datetime` AS `datetime`, `appointments`.`location` AS `location`, `appointments`.`description` AS `description`, `appointments`.`appointmenttype_id` AS `appointmenttype_id`, `appointments`.`appointmentstatus_id` AS `appointmentstatus_id` FROM `appointments` AS `appointments` WHERE `datetime` BETWEEN '2025-1-7 00:00:00' AND '2025-1-7 23:59:59' ORDER BY `datetime` ASC (1)
0.001827 s
0.001827 s
0.001827 s
0.001827 s
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
SELECT `appointments`.`id` AS `id`, `appointments`.`datetime` AS `datetime`, `appointments`.`location` AS `location`, `appointments`.`description` AS `description`, `appointments`.`appointmenttype_id` AS `appointmenttype_id`, `appointments`.`appointmentstatus_id` AS `appointmentstatus_id` FROM `appointments` AS `appointments` WHERE `datetime` BETWEEN '2025-1-8 00:00:00' AND '2025-1-8 23:59:59' ORDER BY `datetime` ASC (1)
0.001829 s
0.001829 s
0.001829 s
0.001829 s
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
SELECT `appointments`.`id` AS `id`, `appointments`.`datetime` AS `datetime`, `appointments`.`location` AS `location`, `appointments`.`description` AS `description`, `appointments`.`appointmenttype_id` AS `appointmenttype_id`, `appointments`.`appointmentstatus_id` AS `appointmentstatus_id` FROM `appointments` AS `appointments` WHERE `datetime` BETWEEN '2025-1-9 00:00:00' AND '2025-1-9 23:59:59' ORDER BY `datetime` ASC (1)
0.001827 s
0.001827 s
0.001827 s
0.001827 s
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
SELECT `appointments`.`id` AS `id`, `appointments`.`datetime` AS `datetime`, `appointments`.`location` AS `location`, `appointments`.`description` AS `description`, `appointments`.`appointmenttype_id` AS `appointmenttype_id`, `appointments`.`appointmentstatus_id` AS `appointmentstatus_id` FROM `appointments` AS `appointments` WHERE `datetime` BETWEEN '2025-1-10 00:00:00' AND '2025-1-10 23:59:59' ORDER BY `datetime` ASC (1)
0.001835 s
0.001835 s
0.001835 s
0.001835 s
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
SELECT `appointments`.`id` AS `id`, `appointments`.`datetime` AS `datetime`, `appointments`.`location` AS `location`, `appointments`.`description` AS `description`, `appointments`.`appointmenttype_id` AS `appointmenttype_id`, `appointments`.`appointmentstatus_id` AS `appointmentstatus_id` FROM `appointments` AS `appointments` WHERE `datetime` BETWEEN '2025-1-11 00:00:00' AND '2025-1-11 23:59:59' ORDER BY `datetime` ASC (1)
0.001827 s
0.001827 s
0.001827 s
0.001827 s
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
SELECT `appointments`.`id` AS `id`, `appointments`.`datetime` AS `datetime`, `appointments`.`location` AS `location`, `appointments`.`description` AS `description`, `appointments`.`appointmenttype_id` AS `appointmenttype_id`, `appointments`.`appointmentstatus_id` AS `appointmentstatus_id` FROM `appointments` AS `appointments` WHERE `datetime` BETWEEN '2025-1-12 00:00:00' AND '2025-1-12 23:59:59' ORDER BY `datetime` ASC (1)
0.001826 s
0.001826 s
0.001826 s
0.001826 s
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
SELECT `appointments`.`id` AS `id`, `appointments`.`datetime` AS `datetime`, `appointments`.`location` AS `location`, `appointments`.`description` AS `description`, `appointments`.`appointmenttype_id` AS `appointmenttype_id`, `appointments`.`appointmentstatus_id` AS `appointmentstatus_id` FROM `appointments` AS `appointments` WHERE `datetime` BETWEEN '2025-1-13 00:00:00' AND '2025-1-13 23:59:59' ORDER BY `datetime` ASC (1)
0.001828 s
0.001828 s
0.001828 s
0.001828 s
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
SELECT `appointments`.`id` AS `id`, `appointments`.`datetime` AS `datetime`, `appointments`.`location` AS `location`, `appointments`.`description` AS `description`, `appointments`.`appointmenttype_id` AS `appointmenttype_id`, `appointments`.`appointmentstatus_id` AS `appointmentstatus_id` FROM `appointments` AS `appointments` WHERE `datetime` BETWEEN '2025-1-14 00:00:00' AND '2025-1-14 23:59:59' ORDER BY `datetime` ASC (1)
0.001829 s
0.001829 s
0.001829 s
0.001829 s
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
SELECT `appointments`.`id` AS `id`, `appointments`.`datetime` AS `datetime`, `appointments`.`location` AS `location`, `appointments`.`description` AS `description`, `appointments`.`appointmenttype_id` AS `appointmenttype_id`, `appointments`.`appointmentstatus_id` AS `appointmentstatus_id` FROM `appointments` AS `appointments` WHERE `datetime` BETWEEN '2025-1-15 00:00:00' AND '2025-1-15 23:59:59' ORDER BY `datetime` ASC (1)
0.001834 s
0.001834 s
0.001834 s
0.001834 s
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
SELECT `appointments`.`id` AS `id`, `appointments`.`datetime` AS `datetime`, `appointments`.`location` AS `location`, `appointments`.`description` AS `description`, `appointments`.`appointmenttype_id` AS `appointmenttype_id`, `appointments`.`appointmentstatus_id` AS `appointmentstatus_id` FROM `appointments` AS `appointments` WHERE `datetime` BETWEEN '2025-1-16 00:00:00' AND '2025-1-16 23:59:59' ORDER BY `datetime` ASC (1)
0.001826 s
0.001826 s
0.001826 s
0.001826 s
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
SELECT `appointments`.`id` AS `id`, `appointments`.`datetime` AS `datetime`, `appointments`.`location` AS `location`, `appointments`.`description` AS `description`, `appointments`.`appointmenttype_id` AS `appointmenttype_id`, `appointments`.`appointmentstatus_id` AS `appointmentstatus_id` FROM `appointments` AS `appointments` WHERE `datetime` BETWEEN '2025-1-17 00:00:00' AND '2025-1-17 23:59:59' ORDER BY `datetime` ASC (1)
0.001823 s
0.001823 s
0.001823 s
0.001823 s
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
SELECT `appointments`.`id` AS `id`, `appointments`.`datetime` AS `datetime`, `appointments`.`location` AS `location`, `appointments`.`description` AS `description`, `appointments`.`appointmenttype_id` AS `appointmenttype_id`, `appointments`.`appointmentstatus_id` AS `appointmentstatus_id` FROM `appointments` AS `appointments` WHERE `datetime` BETWEEN '2025-1-18 00:00:00' AND '2025-1-18 23:59:59' ORDER BY `datetime` ASC (1)
0.001831 s
0.001831 s
0.001831 s
0.001831 s
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
SELECT `appointments`.`id` AS `id`, `appointments`.`datetime` AS `datetime`, `appointments`.`location` AS `location`, `appointments`.`description` AS `description`, `appointments`.`appointmenttype_id` AS `appointmenttype_id`, `appointments`.`appointmentstatus_id` AS `appointmentstatus_id` FROM `appointments` AS `appointments` WHERE `datetime` BETWEEN '2025-1-19 00:00:00' AND '2025-1-19 23:59:59' ORDER BY `datetime` ASC (1)
0.001826 s
0.001826 s
0.001826 s
0.001826 s
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
SELECT `appointments`.`id` AS `id`, `appointments`.`datetime` AS `datetime`, `appointments`.`location` AS `location`, `appointments`.`description` AS `description`, `appointments`.`appointmenttype_id` AS `appointmenttype_id`, `appointments`.`appointmentstatus_id` AS `appointmentstatus_id` FROM `appointments` AS `appointments` WHERE `datetime` BETWEEN '2025-1-20 00:00:00' AND '2025-1-20 23:59:59' ORDER BY `datetime` ASC (1)
0.001822 s
0.001822 s
0.001822 s
0.001822 s
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
SELECT `appointments`.`id` AS `id`, `appointments`.`datetime` AS `datetime`, `appointments`.`location` AS `location`, `appointments`.`description` AS `description`, `appointments`.`appointmenttype_id` AS `appointmenttype_id`, `appointments`.`appointmentstatus_id` AS `appointmentstatus_id` FROM `appointments` AS `appointments` WHERE `datetime` BETWEEN '2025-1-21 00:00:00' AND '2025-1-21 23:59:59' ORDER BY `datetime` ASC (1)
0.001820 s
0.001820 s
0.001820 s
0.001820 s
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
SELECT `appointments`.`id` AS `id`, `appointments`.`datetime` AS `datetime`, `appointments`.`location` AS `location`, `appointments`.`description` AS `description`, `appointments`.`appointmenttype_id` AS `appointmenttype_id`, `appointments`.`appointmentstatus_id` AS `appointmentstatus_id` FROM `appointments` AS `appointments` WHERE `datetime` BETWEEN '2025-1-22 00:00:00' AND '2025-1-22 23:59:59' ORDER BY `datetime` ASC (1)
0.001822 s
0.001822 s
0.001822 s
0.001822 s
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
SELECT `appointments`.`id` AS `id`, `appointments`.`datetime` AS `datetime`, `appointments`.`location` AS `location`, `appointments`.`description` AS `description`, `appointments`.`appointmenttype_id` AS `appointmenttype_id`, `appointments`.`appointmentstatus_id` AS `appointmentstatus_id` FROM `appointments` AS `appointments` WHERE `datetime` BETWEEN '2025-1-23 00:00:00' AND '2025-1-23 23:59:59' ORDER BY `datetime` ASC (1)
0.001860 s
0.001860 s
0.001860 s
0.001860 s
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
SELECT `appointments`.`id` AS `id`, `appointments`.`datetime` AS `datetime`, `appointments`.`location` AS `location`, `appointments`.`description` AS `description`, `appointments`.`appointmenttype_id` AS `appointmenttype_id`, `appointments`.`appointmentstatus_id` AS `appointmentstatus_id` FROM `appointments` AS `appointments` WHERE `datetime` BETWEEN '2025-1-24 00:00:00' AND '2025-1-24 23:59:59' ORDER BY `datetime` ASC (1)
0.001842 s
0.001842 s
0.001842 s
0.001842 s
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
SELECT `appointments`.`id` AS `id`, `appointments`.`datetime` AS `datetime`, `appointments`.`location` AS `location`, `appointments`.`description` AS `description`, `appointments`.`appointmenttype_id` AS `appointmenttype_id`, `appointments`.`appointmentstatus_id` AS `appointmentstatus_id` FROM `appointments` AS `appointments` WHERE `datetime` BETWEEN '2025-1-25 00:00:00' AND '2025-1-25 23:59:59' ORDER BY `datetime` ASC (1)
0.001834 s
0.001834 s
0.001834 s
0.001834 s
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
SELECT `appointments`.`id` AS `id`, `appointments`.`datetime` AS `datetime`, `appointments`.`location` AS `location`, `appointments`.`description` AS `description`, `appointments`.`appointmenttype_id` AS `appointmenttype_id`, `appointments`.`appointmentstatus_id` AS `appointmentstatus_id` FROM `appointments` AS `appointments` WHERE `datetime` BETWEEN '2025-1-26 00:00:00' AND '2025-1-26 23:59:59' ORDER BY `datetime` ASC (1)
0.001830 s
0.001830 s
0.001830 s
0.001830 s
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
SELECT `appointments`.`id` AS `id`, `appointments`.`datetime` AS `datetime`, `appointments`.`location` AS `location`, `appointments`.`description` AS `description`, `appointments`.`appointmenttype_id` AS `appointmenttype_id`, `appointments`.`appointmentstatus_id` AS `appointmentstatus_id` FROM `appointments` AS `appointments` WHERE `datetime` BETWEEN '2025-1-27 00:00:00' AND '2025-1-27 23:59:59' ORDER BY `datetime` ASC (1)
0.001827 s
0.001827 s
0.001827 s
0.001827 s
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
SELECT `appointments`.`id` AS `id`, `appointments`.`datetime` AS `datetime`, `appointments`.`location` AS `location`, `appointments`.`description` AS `description`, `appointments`.`appointmenttype_id` AS `appointmenttype_id`, `appointments`.`appointmentstatus_id` AS `appointmentstatus_id` FROM `appointments` AS `appointments` WHERE `datetime` BETWEEN '2025-1-28 00:00:00' AND '2025-1-28 23:59:59' ORDER BY `datetime` ASC (1)
0.001826 s
0.001826 s
0.001826 s
0.001826 s
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
SELECT `appointments`.`id` AS `id`, `appointments`.`datetime` AS `datetime`, `appointments`.`location` AS `location`, `appointments`.`description` AS `description`, `appointments`.`appointmenttype_id` AS `appointmenttype_id`, `appointments`.`appointmentstatus_id` AS `appointmentstatus_id` FROM `appointments` AS `appointments` WHERE `datetime` BETWEEN '2025-1-29 00:00:00' AND '2025-1-29 23:59:59' ORDER BY `datetime` ASC (1)
0.001826 s
0.001826 s
0.001826 s
0.001826 s
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
SELECT `appointments`.`id` AS `id`, `appointments`.`datetime` AS `datetime`, `appointments`.`location` AS `location`, `appointments`.`description` AS `description`, `appointments`.`appointmenttype_id` AS `appointmenttype_id`, `appointments`.`appointmentstatus_id` AS `appointmentstatus_id` FROM `appointments` AS `appointments` WHERE (`appointmenttype_id` = 1 OR `appointmenttype_id` > 8) AND `datetime` BETWEEN '2025-1-18' AND '2026-1-31' ORDER BY `datetime` ASC LIMIT 3 (1)
0.002045 s
0.002045 s
0.002045 s
0.002045 s
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
16.1328 kB
SELECT `appointmenttype`.`typename`, `appointments`.`id` AS `id`, `appointments`.`datetime` AS `datetime`, `appointments`.`location` AS `location`, `appointments`.`description` AS `description`, `appointments`.`appointmenttype_id` AS `appointmenttype_id`, `appointments`.`appointmentstatus_id` AS `appointmentstatus_id` FROM `appointments` AS `appointments` JOIN `appointmenttype` ON (`appointmenttype`.`id` = `appointmenttype_id`) WHERE `appointmenttype_id` > 1 AND `appointmenttype_id` < 9 AND `datetime` BETWEEN '2025-1-18' AND '2026-1-31' ORDER BY `datetime` ASC LIMIT 3 (1)
0.002029 s
0.002029 s
0.002029 s
0.002029 s
16.1719 kB
16.1719 kB
16.1719 kB
16.1719 kB
Application Execution (586) 0.070396 s 1.184835 s 0.140788 s 0.108876 s
1,570.0000 kB 3,564.0938 kB 2,970.8753 kB 2,949.8750 kB